Taxonomically speaking
Are Genies considered Monstergirls?
Doctor Djinn, Medicine Vixdjinn, pulls down a hyuuuuge ceiling-mounted chart, and gestures at it abruptly all over with a long telescoping pointer. Her expression is either extremely excited or pained.
"Listen. Genies are neither ghosties nor monsters nor something inbetween. We elude all attempts to categorize us. We do not know what we are. Some of us are immoral. Some produce potions and tinctures. Some are so closely related to human that they can pass for them on television. I cannot teach you about the Genies." O.o
@Momentrabbit @Phorm The doctor came in,
Stinking of Djinn,
And proceeded to lie on the table...
@Momentrabbit @Phorm The doc said "Rocky, you've met your match"
and Rocky said "But that trick never works!"
and Bullwinkle said "THIS TIME FOR SURE!!!"
@Momentrabbit @Phorm Aww man! I didn’t know this class had homework.
*Everybody is sent home with a Barbie doll, electrodes, an Apple ][e and a 300 baud modem, with the expectation they'll return next semester with a "What I Djinned Together on my Summer Vacation" report*
@Momentrabbit @Phorm Shit.
Does anydjinn if undead Barbies are 8-N-1 or 7-E-0?
8-N-1. C'mon Barbie, let's go parity. n.n
Aw heck. I just know I'll get misinterpreted.
Why don't people understand my intentions?