dragon.style is part of the decentralized social network powered by Mastodon.
I'm a grumpy queer dragon lady and this is my quiet cave for me and some friends.

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Money request, medical issues

So hi, my roommate, who is the only source of income, has moderate ulnar tunnel syndrome and some carpel tunnel syndrome and it looks like they'll have to miss a decent chunk of work due to surgery and recovery. We don't have enough to cover bills and food when that happens and anything to throw on the food pile would help tremendously.


also I hate that ^ has to show my full legal/dead name now, oof.


Money request, medical issues, mh (-)

Roommate's panicking and tightening down on money expenditures which I understand but I've also got no easy, no spoons snacks and food left and roommate refuses to buy anything till they know the damage wrt their surgery and it's giving me really bad flashbacks to the way my shitty dad treated me back home

re: Money request, medical issues, mh (-)

@nautilee *offers belated virtual hugs*

that sounds really horrible and stressful