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I was stupid tonight and decided to go out in skirt. Because hey, Cap Hill. It's safe there.
I got stared at by several people in cars while walking and it really fucked with my head for a while. Every layer of protection I ever surrounded myself with in my early life was camouflage. _Don't get noticed_. I can't handle it when people stare...
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@Soreth *offers hugs*
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@Soreth Biiite theeeem.
Also I hereby decree that they were staring because you're too amazing not look at. *nods*
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*Hugs very softly*
I hated that feeling... I mean, I still do, but... I'm sorry.
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@Soreth Let me know if you want support on an outing.
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@Soreth Yeah that's a stage that's a lot of fun to go through. It gets easier as you figure out what works on you, and as your body changes...
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@Soreth People stare all the time for little reason. It can be just that you're wearing a color they like (or dislike) or any other dumb thing like that.
@Soreth I used to try to camouflage myself in public, too. Fit in, don't get noticed, just another person in the crowd. Slouch the shoulders, head down to appear shorter...
People still stared. I was ashamed of being different than everyone else. I wouldn't even try feminine presentation in public for the first 8 years of HRT.
Then, I realized... that none of those fuckers own me, and their comfort isn't my responsibility.
I learned something from this that I hold dear to this day.
With that realization came the confidence to be myself. I stand tall, square footballer shoulders back and prominent, and I got an undercut with rainbow got-damn hair.
I owned my presentation. I owned my wierdness. I celebrated being queer; being not of the norm, and I did it with a smile and open arms, and I found random strangers celebrating along with me, everywhere I went. Even in bumfuck Montana.
If you're open about who you are, what you are stops mattering to most folks.
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@Soreth it fucking sucks that we have to put up with that kind of thing, but it is a learnable skill. And skirts both suit you and look good on you, imo :)