Hey, everybody! For those who have been following @anthracite's toots: I am alive. :)
Basically I pulled a back muscle so badly I lied down and couldn't stand back up. I'm embarrassed, but every doctor and nurse was totally understanding and insistent that we had done the right thing.
More than anything, no offense Dad, but I'm just proud to have finally proven I'm less of a butthead than my late father, notorious for toughing these things out when he shouldn't have. -_-
@zebratron2084 That sounds SUPER unpleasant, but so glad to hear that it sorta turned out okay. All the best wishes your way
(Also, not to butt in where I shouldn't, but: I notice @anthracite mentioning core strength building. My doc's been having me do that for a while now. It takes time, but I can say it's done wonders. I recommend it highly.)