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cw: bioshock infinite, The Earl Grumbles, longpost, #TheEarlHasAnOpinion,

okay this is just me bitching about someone on tumblr because i feel like if someone contradicts me i'm not allowed to have my own opinion unless i JADE myself at length

and i understand why you could hate bioshock infinite. i really really do. it's incoherent. it's structurally fucked from the beginning. it's racist as hell. it's written from a very politically liberal/moderate perspective-- which *as* a filthy Voltarian liberal I'm fine with but I understand that that's not everyone's cuppa.

but someone on tumblr said that not only does it get everything wrong about race it gets everything wrong about religion and i. bzuh?! bioshock infinite's take on religion is probably *the* thing it gets right.

bioshock infinite is the most SCATHING indictment of american christianity (especially the protestant/evangelical variety and DOUBLE especially mormonism) that i have ever seen and it is GLORIOUSLY pointed and nasty about it. it is aggressively anti-cheap-grace. it goes out of its way to make fun of how american christianity is more focused on YAY MURICA and on racism than on anything related to Jesus or redemption or forgiveness

comstock is really blatantly based on a couple of mormon prophets and he takes all the worst parts of mormonism to a parodical extent and it's just.

*chef's kiss*

and as a cult survivor- i have issues with how Elizabeth was written but the way she's written REGARDING HAVING BEEN RAISED IN A CULT is not one of them. future!elizabeth included. that whole sequence just... broke my goddamn heart.

... like. i get it. i get why you might not like it. i get why you might think it's bad.

but gods in fucking heaven the way religion is handled in bioshock infinite is the best thing about it