Kin: Oh there might be a package today.
Me: *grabbing my groin* I got your package right here.
Kin: It should have knives. Do you have knives in there?
Me: Wanna find OUT?
(their mom is sending us a set of kitchen knives)
Imagining you with knives down there, and your partner with what is essentially a knife block down there.
Oh baby.
That's a whole-ass Puzzlebox scene right there
@anthracite Heck.
I really missed the boat on Puzzlebox, because of that was the norm there, that's awesome.
@Phorm @anthracite Well, it was the norm there at the best of times. Very often the norm there was "crickets." I don't want to idealize it. It did ultimately leave me very frustrated and sad-- there's a reason I escaped to 12Fold.
Ah, I am sorry about that - Though I feel like "crickets" is the norm just about everywhere and anywhere, eventually. And it hurts, when it's a special place to you.
I'm legitimately sorry that you suffered that. I am.