shameless career-grubbing, AI, networking or something, possibly necromancy
So I've developed an extremely dorky new hobby, apparently: asking OpenAI geography and history questions and fact-checking the results.
(e.g., "What are the three leading theories about the Sea Peoples" actually got a pretty accurate reply. "Which US comedian is responsible for the phrase 'chicken mambo dogpatch' got a very confident, detailed, "fact"-filled wrong guess.)
I swear I came by this hobby semi-honestly. I was doing research for an @anthracite co-project that's going to be a pretty vicious anti-AI satire.
But it also dawned on me, you know, there are probably people who are looking to *hire* people to do this very thing. Or there will be soon,. And fact-checking is basically what I already do for a living. And I'm apparently pretty fucking good at it, good enough that I'm now training people in it.
Should... I contact a recruiter or something? I'm not really looking to leave my current job, but I know it won't last forever and if this is gonna be the next Mildly Evil Thing I gotta do to make a living, I should start making contacts and educational plans now.
Sigh. Gonna be a spirit conjurer. What would my sweet Catholic grandma have thought?!
shameless career-grubbing, AI, networking or something, possibly necromancy
@zebratron2084 Look, if they ever successfully put an AI into an Oiuja board, I have to say that I won't hate the idea...
re: shameless career-grubbing, AI, networking or something, possibly necromancy
@JulieSqveakaroo W... I... T... H... A... R... U... B... B... E... Hey, wait a second!