dragon.style is part of the decentralized social network powered by Mastodon.
I'm a grumpy queer dragon lady and this is my quiet cave for me and some friends.

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Look, the only time travel metric for how far back or forward you've gone is one that is relative to the time/date/year you left.
BC/AD is not universal, and any attempt to set a universal measure would have to agree on a starting point.
This way, you could travel and know it's T minus 1200, or T plus 100. A fellow traveler might describe themselves in your time as T-50, for which you flip the sign and know for certain it's T+50 to you.
None of this Gregorian calendar nonsense. :-)

@emanate I didn't think this one through very well, mostly just wanted to rant about the Gregorian calendar.

Maybe I should have put it on my...AD account. :-P

@001zlnv Nah, this is my BC account, for being cool.