Hey, you.
Yeah, you specifically.
I don't know what exactly you're going through, but based on observation, I know you're going through some shit. And yet you keep going, bringing joy to those around you, improving people's lives by being in them.
You know what that makes you?
It makes you a badass.💪
You rock!
Thanks to this toot I looked up the header of PNG files and was impressed. https://hackers.town/@zwol/114155595855705796
I've finished the 3rd card in my series of Uno cards pretending to be Tarot cards - the Draw Two of Pentacles. See https://www.suberic.net/~dmm/graphics/unotarot/unotarot.html for the full series so far. #tarot #watercolor #watercolour
This month's #BirdWhisperer was the common pigeon!
reference by Kuanish Sarsenov
even these knife-edged,
frigid blasts of winter's wrath
carry notes of change
From @nyrath , a fascinating deep dive into a typeface that’s so ubiquitous it’s nigh-invisible. https://aresluna.org/the-hardest-working-font-in-manhattan/
Had to stay in today and decided to experiment with some lighting. Yes, these are just disposable type K cups on my bathroom floor. The interesting thing is that this is a color photo with no filters or enhancements, just cropped a bit, yet it looks much like a computer generated black-and-white image #photography #experimental #BlackAndWhite
Good morning! On this first Tuesday in February, you are all invited to read through Wikipedia’s List of common misconceptions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_misconceptions) per ancient xkcd custom.
uspol, 50501 protest, warning!
If you’ve heard about the 50501 protest (“50 protests in 50 states”), PLEASE be advised that it is really fishy. People in our local organizing community and in other states have looked into it and cannot find the organizers. Especially if you are a new activist, please get in contact with local long-time activist orgs and get plugged in. Learn from them!
In the words of a very good friend:
A coworker of mine invented “Draw A Dinosaur Day” decades ago and here it still is. https://fandom.ink/@ThePhilFoglio/113918754441868973
New project!
The Visible Zorker: a toy which lets you explore Zork 1 *and* the source code that makes it go. An exercise in making software transparent.
A post about how and why I did this:
The NYT finally got around to writing an obituary for Karen Wynn Fonstad, cartographer of the Tolkien Atlas (and many other lands from Pern to Dragonlance), but at least they did her justice. She’s probably responsible for more people taking up cartography than any other person. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/13/obituaries/karen-wynn-fonstad-overlooked.html?unlocked_article_code=1.pE4.VR1B.A0nzpwdHLaMX&smid=url-share
Good crowd today at the new HMart in #davis #somervilleMA ! New store is enormous, looks like they took some space from the business next door. Enormous selection including an entire frozen case of dumplings!! :D And lovely looking produce. So happy it's here!
I have diverse interests such as constructed languages, new astronomical symbols, puzzles, living in the future, and ceremonial magic.
Avatar description: a spherical red robot with a built-in reading lamp reads a book in an empty white room.
Header background description: a grid is separated into twisty, poky regions. Rainbow gradients fill each region.