Dear Fellow White People:
when you are called out for bigotry, especially by someone who is themselves Black/POC, you are being given a *gift*. it is a measure of respect and trust being extended to you in hopes that you can, and will, *do better*. it is an opportunity to reflect and learn. you will probably feel defensive in the moment, but you *must* resist the impulse to make a quick knee-jerk reply. instead, *think*:
1. what are you being told?
2. what is the context, both in this particular situation, and historically?
3. who is telling you this?
4. what experiences has that person likely had in similar situations?
5. can you do better? how?
do *not* reply until you have gone through that checklist and answered those questions for yourself, at the very least.
we can, and *must*, do better. we have so much to learn, so much to *unlearn*. all of us, every single one--and yes, that includes me.
Dear Fediverse Artists of All Kinds: including image descriptions with your art *will* increase its reach and retoot rate!
I personally don't retoot images that don't have an image description unless I add one myself, and tbh the extra level of effort means that I don't retoot most uncaptioned art. a description can be as simple as "a blue flower in sunlight" or "two dragons fighting in the sky," but the more you add to the description, the more you add to the enjoyment of people who can't see the image clearly (or at all) *and* the rest of us who like to have extra context from the artists about what we're looking at! tell us what it's made with, where/when/why, how you feel about it, if we can get prints/stickers of it somewhere--anything you want!
if you can't add image descriptions for some reason, that's okay, but please, if you can, do!
US pol meme (repost link with CW)
made me laugh really loud, but *damn*.
music video, CW: abelist slurs, self-harm reference
I haven't seen this behavior in a while, but this morning I got an email with a huge cc: list saying "please reply to this email, but only to me, don't cc: everybody" and so far two people have sent reply-alls, and the line "your two million loser friends all have my address now cause you never figured out the way to BCC" keeps running through my head, also this video is some absolutely amazing captioning--no it doesn't *have* amazing captioning, it... okay just watch it
Weird Al: "Stop Forwarding That Crap To Me"
US pol (?)--free stuff website, links to free US road maps
neat site, and useful link: I've ordered maps of OR and WA (though the site it links only has downloadable pdfs, you can order an actual map from )... y'know, Just In Case (TM)
I've gone by a lot of different handles over the decades, but currently I feel like my name is basically "green." there's a whole lot more behind that which I don't feel like unpacking right now.
I would hope the "(DM TO REQUEST FOLLOW)" would be self-explanatory, but from the number of people who don't DM before sending a follow request, it's evidently a complicated, confusing concept.
US pol, link to action re: transphobic changes to passports
three simple steps, with prewritten responses. every single response helps! if you have something personal to add, there's a space for it, or you can just delete that bit and send the rest as-is. if you count yourself as a cis ally, here's your chance!
US pol, survival suggestion, Costco plug
do you have a Costco membership? Costco is a great company; their stuff is high-quality, they're actively resisting the current administration bullshit, and they're good to (and owned entirely by) their employees. if you personally can't afford a membership, or don't have the need/space for "Costco-sized" items in bulk, consider sharing a membership with another household. that lets you split the cost of the membership, and also split the rewards if necessary. also, they frequently have people giving away "free samples" of many kinds of foods in the aisles; when I was young and living on the edge of poverty, a leisurely Saturday morning/afternoon stroll through Costco would often supply a nice varied lunch, one tiny portion at a time--and if there wasn't enough on offer, a ridiculously cheap hot dog or slice of pizza would do the trick.
US pol: Target boycott, link to article
CW added for boosting; link to CNN article in linked post:
US pol, Trump executive order, "official language" hijinks, link to article (negative)
MSNBC: "What Trump’s order to make English the official language of America is really about: This order gives federal agencies permission to shut out non-English speakers from services their tax dollars pay for."
US pol, call to action, National Environmental Policy Act
adding CW to boost, link to original post:
US pol, link to blue sky, positive-ish
Ariella Elm
"Each horrific event gets more people to mobilize. There are people who were sitting on the sidelines until this afternoon and they will no longer be sitting on the sidelines.
We are stronger than we were yesterday.
Before you catastrophize, remember this"
basket/bucket/bag is finished! was finished Sunday but I've been Busy since then. using the yarn gauge specified in the... recipe? *pattern* would have resulted in a "basket" about 2/3 the size, if not smaller, and this is more the size I was hoping to get anyway. I added the rings, they're for attachment to a long strap, which I got the findings for off a purse at a thrift store, but I haven't made the strap yet, so this is just the bag (and a pair of slippers for size demonstration).
US pol, AZ, LGBTQ, current administration lawsuit
link to add CW for boosting
US Pol, mask ban
linked to add CW
US pol: companies that have removed their DEI policies (to boycott)
alphabetized list of companies, please let me know if there's any I should add/remove--I'm considering keeping an updated list, let me know if that's something you'd like to see?
Brown-Forman (Jack Daniel's)
Ford Motor
Goldman Sachs
John Deere
JPMorgan Chase
K&L Gates
Molson Coors
Morgan Stanley
Smithsonian Institution
US pol: companies that have removed their DEI policies (to boycott)
link to article, non-paywalled, last updated 2/20:
for some reason I'm thinking of this song a lot these days.
YouTube link--John Vanderslice, "Pale Horse"
rise like lions after a slumber
in greatly uncountable numbers
through the blood that must ensue
we are many and they are few
aka Sprackraptor, Rasha, elynne, Yahvahzensil, & etc.
50-something ace/aro
an anthropomorphic personification of a specific shade of the color green/grey.
pronouns: zie/zir or they/them
***follows are curated. if I'm already following you, follow-back is automatic; otherwise, I'll need some kind of interaction with you to accept a follow request.***
hello yes I am transgender nonbinary. trans rights = human rights <3
Joined Aug 13, 2018