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I'm a grumpy queer dragon lady and this is my quiet cave for me and some friends.

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Kistaro Windrider

whenever I leave a jump bid in a furry ych or adopt auction and nobody counterbids I start getting anxious that people will think I'm playing dirty and trying to suppress a natural bid progression that might go higher.

fwiw I do not do this; I only use jump bids when I believe (from prior auctions from the same artist, typically) that the bidding will not end near the current price and I can just save myself some back-and-forth by taking the bidding straight to the bottom of the range where it might be contested.

I'm never jump bidding (other than to auto-buy) with the intent or expectation of winning immediately. I want a counterbid, I don't want to kill the bidding outright, I'm scared I've prevented the artist from getting a fair price if bidding doesn't continue past me.

@kistaro I think even if it does kill the bidding, it’s still legit

@kistaro I mean it is pretty reasonable. I do it when I have a budget in mind and I don't want post like 10-15 back and forth to get there.