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I'm a grumpy queer dragon lady and this is my quiet cave for me and some friends.

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Julie Sqveakaroo

I just want to play Spy Hunter... like, the original Spy Hunter.

Why are there no good remakes of this game?

@JulieSqveakaroo Right? And I've never been able to get a gamepad configuration together for it that really works for me in MAME. That's one that practically NEEDS the console for the full experience...


I've never been successful at configuring it for MAME, either... it's always off, if I can get it to work, at all.

You'd think it'd be so simple to just map the steering to mouse movement, and use the scroll wheel as the accelerator pedal... but I fully understand that it would reqvire a ton of tinkering in the code for that to be possible.