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I'm a grumpy queer dragon lady and this is my quiet cave for me and some friends.

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uspol, left, oldfilm, snark [repost; typo fixed]

I had occasion to be introduced to Leftist General Ripper today and, as I do not have the time nor patience nor stiff upper lip to be cast as Leftist Mandrake, I will instead be taking the appropriate measures to make sure I am never exposed to this person again.

Phorm, Vivacious Vixdjinn

uspol, left, oldfilm, snark [repost; typo fixed]


The string in your leg is safe for now <3

(Not trying to be dismissive - just trying to bring some light into things. Hope you're well.)

re: uspol, left, oldfilm, snark [repost; typo fixed]

@Phorm toot noted

re: uspol, left, oldfilm, snark [repost; typo fixed]

@Phorm on a more important topic, love your new icon and miss you even when you're being a political scold* <3

*right back, as is your every right 😽

re: uspol, left, oldfilm, snark [repost; typo fixed]


My many thanks, and sincerest apologies, in that order.

re: uspol, left, oldfilm, snark [repost; typo fixed]

@Phorm Hey, turnabout is fair play. 🤷‍♀️❤️